frEe n nOt fOund


dia:"our tommorows are not a repetition of the present just as the present itself was not a replay of yesterday"
aku:is dis de cue where i sppose tu say~uuu wut a beautiful encouragement.!
dia:yeah!dats de spirit!
aku:how bout tumorrow not a repetition cos it tends to b more depressin day than de present?[sok paper fie then marketing then fiqh!]

dia:dats de point!no repetition!ahahaha

aku:life is like a piano, the white keys represent happiness n black show sadness, but as you go through life's journey, remember that the black keys make music too..
kamu:pliss dont stop the music

mereka:Ya Allah sekiranya kegagalanku membawa fitnah p
d Islam&perjuangan maka Kau cemerlangkanlah aku dlm setiap perkara, dan sekiranya kejayaanku mbuatku jauh dr Islam&perjuangan maka Kau lebih berhak menentukn segalanya untukku

just as it was it end.then this sem end.titik.barely enjoying much da nak final.penat2 perah otak mghadam facts n formulas then end oso.thats de law i guess~life's end easily.unexpectedly.unbearably.sementara.senang tu kejap je.wats more of susah?pun sat ja.sbb tu we need tawazun.bila senang x bngga sgt bila susah x sedih sgt.ahahaha.things easier said than practice.once again kita perlu examples.bak kata Prof Aslam~wat makes human's human?becos we forget~

history of fuqara` taught us~setiap hasil dunia itu dinilai pd tujuan.means wat intention things hold to achieve.thats y every single success we seize by the intend of benefit diri n umat Islam, ad keberkatan kt situ.however bila kejayaan itu not intending relation ngn akhirat n niat ikhlas,then itu other words~kejayaan y menipu.

someone once told me~bila gagal/kalah kene telusuri sebab2.dats how we put it positive when de failure doesnt lead us to mundurny cenderung kita pd ukhrawi.sbb kegagalan itu bukan hakiki.sementara.absolute failure is when it fail de ukhrawi.

so do not let us b hold by de present, give it hardship or easeness.since if we accord to consequencess, only then will we b free of de present n lead to future.

segala y di dunia ini tdak pernah kurang dr ap y diangankn manusia, maka beruntunglah mereka y sentiasa meletakkn sgala y diperolehny demi akhirat y luas n kekal.

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