bEbelan of lessOns 6 Comments »jam ak tu pelik
ak set 4.30am
tp dgq bunyik 6.30am
jam dinding tu lg la pelik
td bru 9.30am
aleh2 tgk balek da 1.30pm
pelik kan?
planner ak pn cam hampeh pelik
dulu nmpak betulis
kemarin selak2 kosong la plak
pelik dak?
calendar tu haa
lg la pelik
awat plak dy jdik julai?
haish pelik sungguh la
Maaz bin Jabal (Radhiallahu anha) reported : The Holy Prophet (sallallaho alaihe wasallam) said;
“Those who are admitted into paradise will not regret over anything of this world,
except the time spent without Zikr in their life...”
[ Tabrani ]
tp ak taw
bukan jam bukan planner bukan calendar tu y pelik
AKU la y pelik
ak y bwat menda pelik-pelik
pastu sebok-sebok lak nak pelik
pelik pelik
“May Allah steal from you all that steals you away from Him..”--Rabiah Al-Adawiyah
he3, u made my day amidst the seriousness in the air!^^
the seriousness in me may buried deep
but its there~
perli yg funny. :)
nak perli diri sendiri tuh ekceli